So I did my own pole photo shoot today in my living room. After a little help from, my self-portraits don't look so bad!

I took them because I needed an updated photo of myself for my website, I like my readers to have a face to put with the author :)

Of course I have to take like 50 of them just to get a couple of good shots. And it would help if I did the shoot with the help of my daughter or husband, they could help me to pose so I am not running back and forth to the camera to check on how I looked in the last photo and if I should use that pose again.
I have always liked photography but never really delved into it to learn anything like shutter speeds or how to use my old digital camera, the Canon Rebel X. I use it with a simple camera tripod I found on Amazon and set the self-timer button so I presss the button before get into position and wah-lah! A self-portrait.
Pic Monkey is a free online photo editing tool (although some of the tools require a paid subscription to use them) I was able to touch these up.
Until next time, stay fit, stay sexy and stay on the pole!
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